My Trans Decade

It’s a common refrain: being trans isn’t the only thing we are, or even the biggest or most important thing…

More on the relationship between hormone therapy and migraine in trans people

I’ve previously written about how feminizing or masculinizing hormone therapy can affect migraines in trans people with this condition. It’s…

The anti-trans lie of “just autistic”

When it comes to media coverage of transgender topics, the Daily Mail reliably provides stark examples of what not to…

Recent progress in height management for trans adolescents

The widespread adoption of puberty-blocking medications for transgender youth has been life-changing, for the first time allowing trans people who…

Quantifying changes to hair and skin from HRT

Hair is one of the most common areas of concern during transition: hair length, facial hair, and body hair are…

Burger allegedly containing “44mg of estrogen” is too good to be true

In 2016, Brough et al. published the results of several studies examining a particular interaction between environmentally friendly behaviors and…

Quelle horreur? Parents of trans kids attending gender clinics are overwhelmingly… satisfied!

Media coverage of transgender children, adolescents, and young adults can at times tend toward giving undue credence to parents who…

For the Daily Mail, one anecdote defeats mountains of data

The Daily Mail’s overt hostility toward trans people, and LGBT people broadly, is nothing new. From opposing efforts against anti-trans…

New study on fertility treatment for trans men: Prior testosterone use does not affect ovarian stimulation outcomes

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. There’s an abundance of misinformation among the…

HRT for trans women could affect the efficacy of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. I’ve previously written about a published case…