Fear is a part of homophobia and transphobia

One of the more irritating semantic dodges used by homophobes and transphobes is the claim that they do not fear…

Yes, you can transition medically without transitioning socially

One of the most difficult stumbling blocks for trans people who are still coming to terms with their gender and…

A rising tide: Increase in cases of adult gender dysphoria reflects wider changes

In recent years, clinicians evaluating and treating trans and gender-questioning youth have observed that the number of those presenting for…

What we know: Changes in sexual arousal during transition

During the years I've spent in circles of trans people online and on trans support boards, one of the most…

The presence of trans people in restrooms and changing facilities is not a privacy violation

2015 saw one of the most bizarre and outrageous episodes in organized right-wing transphobia targeted at transgender students: the accusation,…

Thinking more clearly on HRT? You’re not imagining it

One commonly reported experience on trans support forums like Reddit's AskTransgender is difficulty with focusing and concentration, with symptoms that…

Effectiveness of vaginoplasty for trans women confirmed once again in new study

Vaginoplasty for trans women, the surgical construction of a vagina and labia from penile and scrotal tissue, is a highly…

Am I a Satanist? Are you? How Satanism is empowering the trans community

Am I, Zinnia Jones, a Satanist? Here’s some rather interesting commentary on this subject that I found while browsing Tumblr:…

Masterpiece Cakeshop ruling: When everything is a “sincere religious belief”

Last week’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of a homophobic Christian baker who refused to sell wedding cakes to same-sex…

Nifty finds: Super-fast-acting hormone blockers used in Sweden

GnRH agonists are a class of drugs sometimes used as part of medical transition for trans people in order to…