Study of entire French population offers further data on cyproterone acetate and meningioma risk

Previously: Cyproterone acetate and meningioma risk in trans women (March 2018) Update on case reports: Cyproterone acetate and meningioma in…

First report of trans man having successful fertility preservation without interrupting HRT

Previously: Fertility treatment for trans men: Prior testosterone use does not affect ovarian stimulation outcomes (November 2019) Ovarian stimulation after…

Proxalutamide, a new antiandrogen, improves COVID-19 outcomes in trials of men and women

Previously: COVID-19 updates: From spironolactone to estrogen to GnRH antagonists (May 2020) Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and…

Trans men and transmasculine people can get effective vocal pitch surgery too

I’ve previously posted about studies of vocal deepening among trans men and transmasculine people on testosterone and the range of…

Put it under your tongue? Typical hormone levels for trans women on HRT, and differing effects of oral and parenteral estradiol

Previously: Many trans men on HRT may not show testosterone levels in the “target range” – and that can be…

The Gender Analysis word of the year is: resentment

When I think about the concept of resentment, I primarily think about it in the context of relationships: causes for…

2020’s hard lessons in public health pessimism

I was wrong. For the better part of a decade, my approach to communicating transgender medicine and science to the…

Lesbocalypse Now: Elliot Page took nothing from you

“Where have all the lesbians gone?” This is the assertion recently made by a spate of anti-trans commentators in the…

Notes on my first two years at college as an adult learner

Previously: Zinnia goes to college, gets more knowledge (June 2019) Zinnia's continued college adventures: summer 2019 (August 2019) I’ve been…

Many trans men on HRT may not show testosterone levels in the “target range” – and that can be okay

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. Blood tests and monitoring are a standard…