Further reading

These articles were written outside of Gender Analysis and contain additional information and perspectives on various aspects of transgender life.



Zinnia Jones

Heather McNamara


  • heinz, m. (2016). Entering transmasculinity: The inevitability of discourse. Intellect Ltd. [Google Books]
  • Mani, A. (2019). Mathematics of excluded women – a personal narrative. In J. Subramanian (Ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Mathematics Education and Society Conference. Hyderabad, India: MES10. [Full text]
  • Rider, G. N., & Tebbe, E. A. (2021). Anti-trans theories. In A. E. Goldberg, & G. Beemyn (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (pp. 39–43). SAGE Publications. [Google Books]
  • Riggs, D. W. (2019). Children and gender development. In D. W. Riggs (Ed.), Working with transgender young people and their families: A critical developmental approach (pp. 31–55). Palgrave Macmillan. [Chapter]
  • Riggs, D. W., & Bartholomaeus, C. (2017). The disability and diagnosis nexus: Transgender men navigating mental health care services. In C. Loeser, V. Crowley, & B. Pini (Eds.), Disability and masculinities: Corporeality, pedagogy and the critique of otherness (pp. 67–84). Palgrave Macmillan. [Chapter]
  • Short, C. S. (2019). Comment on “Outbreak: on transgender teens and psychic epidemics”. Psychological perspectives, 62(2–3), 285–289. [Abstract]
  • Velte, K. (2019). Mitigating the “LGBT disconnect”: Title IX’s protection of transgender students, birth certificate correction statutes, and the transformative potential of connecting the two. American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law, 27(5), 29–94. [Full text]
  • Yoo, A. (2018). Transition regret and detransition. In C. Stewart (Ed.), Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans at risk: Problems and solutions (pp. 181–191). Praeger. [Google Books]