Zinnia Jones
Effectiveness of vaginoplasty for trans women confirmed once again in new study
Vaginoplasty for trans women, the surgical construction of a vagina and labia from penile and scrotal tissue, is a highly…
Am I a Satanist? Are you? How Satanism is empowering the trans community
Am I, Zinnia Jones, a Satanist? Here’s some rather interesting commentary on this subject that I found while browsing Tumblr:…
Masterpiece Cakeshop ruling: When everything is a “sincere religious belief”
Last week’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of a homophobic Christian baker who refused to sell wedding cakes to same-sex…
Nifty finds: Super-fast-acting hormone blockers used in Sweden
GnRH agonists are a class of drugs sometimes used as part of medical transition for trans people in order to…
Is the “rapid onset gender dysphoria” hoax designed to misdiagnose trans kids?
One of the biggest pitfalls in the research on persistence and desistence of gender dysphoria in youth has been the…