Zinnia Jones
When it’s not “just autism”: ASD does not rule out gender dysphoria
As both transgender identities and autism have received increasing attention in recent years, a growing number of misconceptions have proliferated…
August 2017 State of the Gender Address: A politics post
By Heather McNamara Since life in the United States under this new reality show star regime has transformed our already…
The “Lesbophobia” Scam
By Heather McNamara Those of us who have been in the trans activism game for a while are familiar with…
Do all trans youth on puberty blockers go on to transition?
Puberty blockers are used in the treatment of appropriately diagnosed transgender youth, who wish to avoid developing undesired secondary sex…
Truth trumps treachery: What Jamie Kirchick gets wrong about Chelsea Manning
Disclosure: I testified for the defense at Chelsea Manning’s court-martial and served as her representative at SF Pride 2014. In…