
Contra social contagion: Why online community among trans people saves our lives and terrifies our enemies

“Trans vlogs made me feel like I wasn’t a problem.” “It just makes me feel that it’s okay to be…

The Trans Mammogram Gap: Large numbers of trans people aren’t receiving their recommended screenings for breast cancer. Are you?

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. Routine screenings for breast cancer using regular…

We the Mudbloods: J. K. Rowling and the Trans-Exterminationists (Book 1)

As a published work by perhaps the most famous author in the world, J. K. Rowling’s muddled, meandering, hastily-assembled essay…

“Rapid onset gender dysphoria” study misunderstands trans depersonalization, ends up blaming Zinnia Jones

Previously: Fresh trans myths of 2017: “rapid onset gender dysphoria” “Rapid onset gender dysphoria”: What a hoax diagnosis looks like…

Nonbinary Visibility

by Heather McNamara Happy Transgender Day of Visibility! 2018 marks the 9th year of the holiday, first celebrated in 2009…