Catholic Medical Association

Florida AHCA’s anti-trans expert G. Kevin Donovan stated in deposition that he’s never been a member of the American College of Pediatricians hate group; the group’s financial records indicate he paid membership dues for several years

In 2022, Florida hired a Catholic bioethicist to argue against gender-affirming care Dr. Gerard Kevin Donovan (G. Kevin Donovan), a…

The far-right law firm Alliance Defending Freedom offered a Florida anti-trans hate group $15,000 to “refute” the WPATH Standards of Care “for use in litigation”

A wider lens on the American College of Pediatricians. Recent subpoenas by Republican state governments against trans-supportive professional and medical…

“Andre’s opinion”: Florida Medicaid agency paid thousands to a hate group leader to help ghostwrite their anti-trans policy; he copied nearly all of his sources from the hate group

Dr. Andre Van Mol is a leader of the SPLC-recognized hate group American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) as well as…

Anti-trans group SEGM’s cofounder Stephen Beck is an executive at Bon Secours Mercy Health, the fifth-largest Catholic healthcare network in the US

The rapid emergence of SEGM The Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine (SEGM) is a highly active anti-trans advocacy group founded…

Update: Comment period on Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine trans youth care ban is extended to December 28

Previously: Gender Analysis calls for a hearing on the Florida Board of Medicine and Board of Osteopathic Medicine proposed trans…