How much does testosterone deepen voice pitch for trans men?

The effects of sex hormones on the vocal cords are a one-way process: male-typical levels of testosterone, whether from natal…

Large study of trans youth on HRT finds zero incidents of thrombosis

One of the most serious side effects of feminizing hormone therapy can be the development of thrombosis, a blood clot…

Progesterone may not be only beneficial or ineffective for trans women – for some, it can be actively harmful

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. Ever since I came out and started…

More on the relationship between hormone therapy and migraine in trans people

I’ve previously written about how feminizing or masculinizing hormone therapy can affect migraines in trans people with this condition. It’s…

Recent progress in height management for trans adolescents

The widespread adoption of puberty-blocking medications for transgender youth has been life-changing, for the first time allowing trans people who…