puberty blockers

Debra Soh is really bad at trans science (part 3)

Her alarmist claims of affirming care for trans youth functioning as anti-gay “conversion therapy” present a scenario wildly at odds…

Debra Soh is really bad at trans science (part 2)

Her alarmist claims of affirming care for trans youth functioning as anti-gay “conversion therapy” present a scenario wildly at odds…

Debra Soh is really bad at trans science (part 1)

Her alarmist claims of affirming care for trans youth functioning as anti-gay “conversion therapy” present a scenario wildly at odds…

What Michael Laidlaw gets wrong about transgender youth

This month, endocrinologist Michael Laidlaw posted a lengthy review of the book I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel and trans…

Bicalutamide, a new anti-androgen for trans women and girls

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. Do not take any medication without appropriate medical…