
Transphobic rejection: an ineffective and dangerous “treatment”

When discussing transgender healthcare needs, I've previously covered the known health benefits of gender-affirming approaches such as social transition, puberty…

Counter-realities: The practice of denialism in transphobia

If you’ve been following Gender Analysis for any length of time, you might have noticed a common theme: We address…

Gender Analysis: Zinnia Argues With People

One of the most persistently frustrating things in my experience of YouTube has been the repeated claim that I’ve somehow…

Bigot bus on tour: When “biological reality” is neither real nor biological

On March 1, a bus in Madrid bearing an anti-transgender message from a conservative Catholic group was impounded: The slogan…

Playing both sides: Trans people, autism, and the two-faced claims of Ken Zucker and Susan Bradley

The public statements of Ken Zucker and Susan Bradley, former leaders of the CAMH youth gender identity clinic, reveal a…