sexual orientation

Debra Soh is really bad at trans science (part 1)

Her alarmist claims of affirming care for trans youth functioning as anti-gay “conversion therapy” present a scenario wildly at odds…

Texas teacher placed on leave for talking about her wife

From Newsweek: An elementary school teacher in Texas was suspended after she allegedly spoke about her sexual orientation with her…

Sex with trans women: A frank discussion with Zinnia and Penny (NSFW)

Previously: Why some trans people don't date cis people, Reclaiming our transgender sexualities Zinnia and Penny sit down and discuss…

At the gates of lesbianism

by Heather McNamara Welcome to lesbianism! And congratulations on your decision to give up dating men. They can be fun…

Mistaken identity: How a cis queer identity obscured my trans womanhood

Trying to be a gay man didn't help me - it only estranged me from my gender and sexuality as…