
Chromosomes: cis expectations vs. trans reality (Gender Analysis 14)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Previously: Bathroom bills: dehumanization and control, Stop calling trans women “male” There’s a popular belief that…

Paul McHugh is wrong: transitioning is effective (Gender Analysis 10)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. Every so often, a particular bit of folklore pops up…

Walt Heyer and “sex change regret” (Gender Analysis 09)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. In the popular imagination, there are few subjects as fascinating…

How Do You Know What it’s Like to Be…? (Gender Analysis 08)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. As trans people, we’re often asked how we would know…

Stop Calling Trans Women “Male” (Gender Analysis 07)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. Calling trans women "male" is like the background noise of…