Outcomes of transition

Four recent studies confirm benefits of medical transition for trans adolescents

Puberty-blocking medications are used in gender-dysphoric adolescents as a means of temporarily and reversibly inhibiting an undesired natal puberty. In…

How likely are trans women to seek breast augmentation?

Feminizing hormone therapy induces the growth of breast tissue in trans women and transfeminine people, and this tissue is essentially…

Why gender-questioning youth continue or discontinue puberty blockers

Puberty-blocking medications for trans or gender-questioning adolescents, which reversibly halt the production of sex hormones and prevent the development of…

How much does testosterone deepen voice pitch for trans men?

The effects of sex hormones on the vocal cords are a one-way process: male-typical levels of testosterone, whether from natal…

Recent progress in height management for trans adolescents

The widespread adoption of puberty-blocking medications for transgender youth has been life-changing, for the first time allowing trans people who…

Quantifying changes to hair and skin from HRT

Hair is one of the most common areas of concern during transition: hair length, facial hair, and body hair are…

It gets better, and keeps getting better: More time spent transitioning is associated with greater body satisfaction

Evidence for the health benefits of medical transition in treating gender dysphoria and its various comorbidities is abundant. Dozens of…

Use of puberty blockers in transgender girls, effects on genital tissue development, and vaginoplasty options

Background and description of the issue GnRH analogue medications such as Lupron, Decapeptyl, and Supprelin LA have been in use…

Large study of trans people in the Netherlands shows growing numbers seeking treatment, low regret rates

Medical transition by trans people, its prevalence and demographics, and rates of regret of treatment are perennial subjects of public…

Transgender surgical reversal statistics: A clearer picture emerges

October 2017 saw a spate of fearmongering articles alleging a rise in demand for surgical reversal of transgender genital surgeries.…