
Notes on my first two years at college as an adult learner

Previously: Zinnia goes to college, gets more knowledge (June 2019) Zinnia's continued college adventures: summer 2019 (August 2019) I’ve been…

We the Mudbloods: J. K. Rowling and the Trans-Exterminationists (Book 3)

Previously: J. K. Rowling and the Trans-Exterminationists, Book 2 Rowling goes on to cite her own experience with domestic violence…

My Trans Decade

It’s a common refrain: being trans isn’t the only thing we are, or even the biggest or most important thing…

One Month Left

As we approach the end of 2019, a meme has been circulating around Twitter: “there’s only ONE MONTH left in…

Zinnia’s continued college adventures: summer 2019

A couple months back, I went into some depth about my personal history as a student, my struggles with high…

Zinnia goes to college, gets more knowledge

Some of you may have noticed I’ve been a bit occupied this year – I’m still working on resurrecting the…

A Lesser Worn Path

By Penny Robo Realizing that you’re trans comes with the additional realization that the path your life is to take…

“Why can’t you just be gay?” Why I, a trans lesbian, can’t just be a gay man

On an astonishingly frequent basis, trans people who come out are met with a peculiar reaction. Those who come out…

Trip report: Lamotrigine, a drug to treat depersonalization – Part 2: The experience

Previously: Part 1: Preamble Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. Do not take any…

Trip report: Lamotrigine, a drug to treat depersonalization – Part 1: Preamble

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. Do not take any medication without appropriate medical…