I Tried Detransition and Didn’t Like It
UnnHappy, sad, mad, Unnspeakable blue red Unnsunshining and hot and cool and red hot and ice cold — Nicole Maines,…
Truth trumps treachery: What Jamie Kirchick gets wrong about Chelsea Manning
Disclosure: I testified for the defense at Chelsea Manning’s court-martial and served as her representative at SF Pride 2014. In…
Mistaken identity: How a cis queer identity obscured my trans womanhood
Trying to be a gay man didn't help me - it only estranged me from my gender and sexuality as…
Do you need to have gender dysphoria to be transgender?
How do you know you're feeling gender dysphoria when you've never felt anything else? Continue reading →
“Transtrenders” aren’t a thing, but transphobia-trenders are
I’ve never considered nonbinary people to be any sort of threat to me as a trans woman. Nonbinary and genderqueer…
Feminist analysis: Nothing is ugly, nothing is pretty
The truth is a great many men are raised to speak the language of misogyny and objectification from boyhood onward.…
Lamentations (Gender Analysis)
Hi. Usually when I do a video, it’s meant to explain and help viewers better understand various important topics. But…
Four easy steps for talking to children about your trans status (Gender Analysis 18)
By Heather McNamara One of the most common issues I hear cis people blow out of proportion is the subject…
Cis world, trans world: interactional gaps (Gender Analysis 13)
(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. Social interactions between trans people and cis people are often…
Why do you call yourself a lesbian if your girlfriend has a dick? (Gender Analysis 12)
(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Zinnia: Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. The sexuality of trans people and our partners is…