Regret and detransition

Why gender-questioning youth continue or discontinue puberty blockers

Puberty-blocking medications for trans or gender-questioning adolescents, which reversibly halt the production of sex hormones and prevent the development of…

For the Daily Mail, one anecdote defeats mountains of data

The Daily Mail’s overt hostility toward trans people, and LGBT people broadly, is nothing new. From opposing efforts against anti-trans…

James Caspian and “fifty trans people” who regret transitioning

James Caspian: who is this character? A couple weeks ago, an article came across my feed from the UK’s Sunday…

Large study of trans people in the Netherlands shows growing numbers seeking treatment, low regret rates

Medical transition by trans people, its prevalence and demographics, and rates of regret of treatment are perennial subjects of public…

Transgender surgical reversal statistics: A clearer picture emerges

October 2017 saw a spate of fearmongering articles alleging a rise in demand for surgical reversal of transgender genital surgeries.…

Most anti-transgender scientific claims are unsound

Critics of transition treatments, opponents of transgender identity, and other anti-trans advocates have often claimed that trans people and our…

I Tried Detransition and Didn’t Like It

UnnHappy, sad, mad, Unnspeakable blue red Unnsunshining and hot and cool and red hot and ice cold — Nicole Maines,…

When “desisters” aren’t: De-desistance in childhood and adolescent gender dysphoria

See also: Debunking hypothetical arguments about youth transition Trans youth treatment, ethics, and decision-making Do all trans youth on puberty…

Myth: Pimozide and gender dysphoria (Gender Analysis)

Transphobes are irresponsibly promoting the idea that trans people should be treated with ineffective antipsychotic drugs. The "evidence" they present…

Debunking hypothetical arguments about youth transition (Gender Analysis)

These commentators must invent hypothetical cases of regret because of the lack of any actual cases of regret that would…