Transphobia and prejudice

Symbol, substance, and tabooing your words, part 2: answers (More Trans, module 1-2)

Previously: Gender reasoning exercises: Symbol, substance, and tabooing your words (module 1-1) In the previous episode, we reviewed some simple Less…

Book review: “Becoming Nicole” by Amy Ellis Nutt (Gender Analysis)

I’ve often been asked which books I would recommend for those who are interested in learning more about transgender topics.…

Lamentations (Gender Analysis)

Hi. Usually when I do a video, it’s meant to explain and help viewers better understand various important topics. But…

The social paradox of passing (Gender Analysis 23)

Previously: Trans passing tips for cis people, Bathrooms and locker rooms: the transgender witch hunt, Debunking JoeySalads' transgender bathroom hoax…

0.3% is not 0.03%: representations of transgender frequencies in online publications (Gender Analysis 21)

In 2011, the Williams Institute at UCLA published an estimate of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender population of the United…

Alice Dreger, autogynephilia, and the misrepresentation of trans sexualities (Book review: Galileo’s Middle Finger)

Book review: Galileo’s Middle Finger, by Alice Dreger Table of contents Introduction 1. Background: Blanchard’s sexual typology of trans women…

Bathrooms and locker rooms: the transgender witch hunt

Previously: Bathroom bills: dehumanization and control We’re barely two months into 2016, and this year, there have already been 29…

Everything is pretty great* (Gender Analysis 15)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) 2015 has been a fantastic year for the show, and we’ve come a long way…

Chromosomes: cis expectations vs. trans reality (Gender Analysis 14)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Previously: Bathroom bills: dehumanization and control, Stop calling trans women “male” There’s a popular belief that…

Cis world, trans world: interactional gaps (Gender Analysis 13)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. Social interactions between trans people and cis people are often…