Fertility and reproduction

Recent report of potential fertility preservation in an early-transitioning trans girl: A new nuance, but no breakthrough yet

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. Previously: Transmasculine adolescent fertility breakthrough: Successful egg…

Second report of trans man undergoing successful fertility preservation without stopping testosterone – this time producing a viable embryo and live birth

Previously: Update on ovarian stimulation after testosterone use: Successful fertility preservation with less than a month’s interruption of HRT (April…

Transmasculine adolescent fertility breakthrough: Successful egg retrieval following puberty blockers since Tanner 2 and direct continuation to testosterone

Trans people who choose to transition medically may wish to maintain their reproductive potential following cross-sex hormone therapy or transition…

First report of trans man having successful fertility preservation without interrupting HRT

Previously: Fertility treatment for trans men: Prior testosterone use does not affect ovarian stimulation outcomes (November 2019) Ovarian stimulation after…

Update on ovarian stimulation after testosterone use: Successful fertility preservation with less than a month’s interruption of HRT

Contrary to widespread misconceptions, medical transitioning does not necessarily produce sterility in trans people. Provided that a trans person hasn’t…

New study on fertility treatment for trans men: Prior testosterone use does not affect ovarian stimulation outcomes

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. There’s an abundance of misinformation among the…

Unsolved mystery: Trans women have significantly lower semen quality than cis men – before starting HRT

Sperm banking is the recommended method of fertility preservation for trans women prior to medical transition (Coleman et al., 2012),…