Philosophy and language

Learning to love and accept your body: Testosterone helps adolescent trans boys do that

Discussions of transgender issues among the general public often take an unproductive turn when the distress of gender dysphoria is…

“Biological sex”, empirical backfire: How transphobes gambled on COVID-19 – and lost

As the pandemic coronavirus has spread around the globe, the growing numbers of infections have revealed a surprising pattern: from…

Revisiting “being trans is a mental disorder”: Map and territory in ICD-11

The last time I addressed the faulty argument of "being trans is a mental disorder - it's in the DSM"…

What is natural? An indictment of the vitalist resurgence

by Heather McNamara Our globe is warming. Polar ice caps steadily drip into the ocean and wash up on the…

Medical professionals increasingly agree: Trans women are female, trans men are male

Previously: Trans women aren't "male" Sex chromosomes: Cis expectations, trans reality "Trans women are male" is one of the most…

Fractals, not pyramids: Why “8th grade biology” isn’t enough

Previously: Chromosomes: Cis expectations vs. trans reality, How sex hormones work, and their use by trans people In the years…

Bigot bus on tour: When “biological reality” is neither real nor biological

On March 1, a bus in Madrid bearing an anti-transgender message from a conservative Catholic group was impounded: The slogan…

No More Rachel Dolezals

Her noxious presence isn't just offensive - it's become dangerous to trans people. Continue reading →

Paul McHugh and the Johns Hopkins gender clinic: The perils of cherry-picking (More Trans, module 2-1)

A decades-old transphobic myth about Johns Hopkins, perpetrated by an unscientific fraud. Continue reading →

Symbol, substance, and tabooing your words, part 2: answers (More Trans, module 1-2)

Previously: Gender reasoning exercises: Symbol, substance, and tabooing your words (module 1-1) In the previous episode, we reviewed some simple Less…