Category Archives: Military

Truth trumps treachery: What Jamie Kirchick gets wrong about Chelsea Manning

Disclosure: I testified for the defense at Chelsea Manning’s court-martial and served as her representative at SF Pride 2014. In an August 29 New York Times op-ed on Wikileaks source Chelsea Manning, Jamie Kirchick writes: Celebrating Chelsea Manning just a … Continue reading

Posted in Health care, Military, Personal, Politics and law, Replies, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

“Degrading military readiness”: Trans servicemembers speak out on Trump’s ban

President Trump’s July 26 tweets stating his intention to exclude all transgender people from the U.S. armed forces, citing “tremendous medical costs and disruption”, were met with surprise and alarm from many quarters. Most immediately, in the nine minutes between … Continue reading

Posted in Health care, Military, Politics and law, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment