Category Archives: Nonbinary

Book review: “Crash Override” by Zoë Quinn

by Heather McNamara Crash Override Overall: 4/5 Trans narrative: N/A Crash Override is going to be a different kind of book than the previous works I’ve reviewed for Gender Analysis. While Zoe Quinn is out and proud nonbinary, this book … Continue reading

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Nonbinary Visibility

by Heather McNamara Happy Transgender Day of Visibility! 2018 marks the 9th year of the holiday, first celebrated in 2009 following its creation by activist Rachel Crandall who had noticed that the only day on the calendar for transgender people … Continue reading

Posted in Awareness building, Nonbinary | Tagged , | 2 Comments

“Transtrenders” aren’t a thing, but transphobia-trenders are

I’ve never considered nonbinary people to be any sort of threat to me as a trans woman. Nonbinary and genderqueer identities have been and continue to be deeply important in my life. Continue reading

Posted in History, Nonbinary, Personal, Sociological research, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments