Category Archives: Personal

I Tried Detransition and Didn’t Like It

UnnHappy, sad, mad, Unnspeakable blue red Unnsunshining and hot and cool and red hot and ice cold — Nicole Maines, age seven Detransitioning – undergoing a social or medical gender transition, and later choosing to reverse this – is a … Continue reading

Posted in Depersonalization, Gender dysphoria, Personal, Regret and detransition, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

Truth trumps treachery: What Jamie Kirchick gets wrong about Chelsea Manning

Disclosure: I testified for the defense at Chelsea Manning’s court-martial and served as her representative at SF Pride 2014. In an August 29 New York Times op-ed on Wikileaks source Chelsea Manning, Jamie Kirchick writes: Celebrating Chelsea Manning just a … Continue reading

Posted in Health care, Military, Personal, Politics and law, Replies, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Mistaken identity: How a cis queer identity obscured my trans womanhood

Trying to be a gay man didn’t help me – it only estranged me from my gender and sexuality as a trans woman. Continue reading

Posted in Gender dysphoria, Personal, Sexuality | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Do you need to have gender dysphoria to be transgender?

How do you know you’re feeling gender dysphoria when you’ve never felt anything else? Continue reading

Posted in Gender dysphoria, Personal | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

“Transtrenders” aren’t a thing, but transphobia-trenders are

I’ve never considered nonbinary people to be any sort of threat to me as a trans woman. Nonbinary and genderqueer identities have been and continue to be deeply important in my life. Continue reading

Posted in History, Nonbinary, Personal, Sociological research, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments