Category Archives: Transphobia and prejudice

Masterpiece Cakeshop ruling: When everything is a “sincere religious belief”

Last week’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of a homophobic Christian baker who refused to sell wedding cakes to same-sex couples is very disappointing, and not for the reasons you might think. This wasn’t a catastrophic blow against the LGBT … Continue reading

Posted in Faith and religion, Politics and law, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Is the “rapid onset gender dysphoria” hoax designed to misdiagnose trans kids?

One of the biggest pitfalls in the research on persistence and desistence of gender dysphoria in youth has been the shortcomings of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for the condition, which were overly broad and resulted in studies wrongly including children who … Continue reading

Posted in Hoaxes, Trans youth, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged | 1 Comment

Blaire White and Arielle Scarcella don’t want cis people to love trans women

A few months back, Blaire White and Arielle Scarcella had some thoughts to offer on the subject of cis people’s attractions to trans women:

Posted in Sexuality, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

What is natural? An indictment of the vitalist resurgence

by Heather McNamara Our globe is warming. Polar ice caps steadily drip into the ocean and wash up on the shores of Miami. Beijing’s air quality is so poor that its non-smoking citizens develop lung cancer at nearly the same … Continue reading

Posted in Philosophy and language, Transphobia and prejudice | 1 Comment

What Michael Laidlaw gets wrong about transgender youth

This month, endocrinologist Michael Laidlaw posted a lengthy review of the book I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel and trans teenager Jazz Jennings at the Witherspoon Institute’s Public Discourse blog, alleging that the book includes “a number of factual accuracies … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Gender dysphoria, Trans youth, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , | 2 Comments