Evidence of increases in homophobic bullying linked to anti-gay political measures

Zinnia JonesReferenda against marriage equality, and the accompanying public debates which inevitably surround them for months or years, have been among the ugliest episodes in American politics. In the heyday of these measures, campaigners against marriage equality routinely promoted some of the most brazenly scaremongering political ads, events, and materials, crafted to stir up significant public hostility against any recognition of the legal equality of same-sex couples. These campaigns attempted to convince voters that if marriage equality were not stopped at the ballot box, all manner of terrible fates would befall not only them but their children as well, evoking the perennial libel of gay people as an inherent threat to kids. Continue reading

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It gets better, and keeps getting better: More time spent transitioning is associated with greater body satisfaction

Zinnia JonesEvidence for the health benefits of medical transition in treating gender dysphoria and its various comorbidities is abundant. Dozens of studies have found that transitioning is associated with reductions in gender dysphoria, depression, anxiety, and suicidality, along with improvements in body image, body satisfaction, sexual functioning, and general functioning. Another recent meta-analysis confirmed that gender-confirming surgery is associated with an improved quality of life (Passos, Teixeira, & Almeida-Santos, 2019). Continue reading

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Further publications on BRCA1/2 variants and their impact on transitioning

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice.

Zinnia JonesLast year, I wrote about case studies of pathological BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene variants in trans people, and how clinicians take these mutations into account during transition treatment. While harmful BRCA mutations are best known for their effect of drastically increasing breast cancer and ovarian cancer risk in cisgender women, these variants represent a concern for transgender women as well, as transitioning with hormone therapy produces the growth of breast tissue considered histologically identical to that of cis women. Trans women can get breast cancer – UCSF Transgender Care has even published recommendations for when trans women should begin receiving regular mammograms – and having a harmful BRCA1/2 variant can increase their risk. (BRCA1/2 variants are also a concern for transgender men, who may still have breast tissue or ovaries, and even for cis men, who can face a higher risk of various cancers from these harmful variants as well.) Continue reading

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Scraping the bottom of the transphobia barrel: Daily Mail fearmongers about trans-inclusive safer sex advice

Zinnia JonesThe British press often seems to have an insatiable need to find the next big thing to get upset about regarding trans people – and what could be a more sensational topic than having sex with us? This month, the Daily Mail decided it was necessary to express pretend bafflement at NHS safer sex guidance for lesbian women. What’s the issue? Well, the materials outrageously acknowledged that not all lesbians are cis: Continue reading

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Zinnia goes to college, gets more knowledge

Zinnia JonesSome of you may have noticed I’ve been a bit occupied this year – I’m still working on resurrecting the classic Gender Analysis website, and I’m also mostly avoiding getting in pointless fights with terrible people on Twitter all. day. long. Why? Well, I’ve got something else going on: I finally started college this January.

This is especially significant for me given my past experiences with the educational system and how this ended up influencing the course of my life. As a child, I was accelerated two grades ahead, and so I started high school at 12, which ended poorly with lots of bad memories and trauma. Whether from puberty and the accompanying onset of severe depersonalization and depression, living in an unsafe household for years while my mother tried to finalize her divorce from my violently erratic ex-stepfather, simple emotional immaturity and unreadiness for the high school environment, or some combination of these, my time at high school turned into a slow-motion trainwreck of conspicuous failure, disappointing and enraging pretty much every adult in my life. When you’ve been skipped ahead multiple grades due to supposed “giftedness”, this is something everyone expects will continue to manifest itself; it was always clear that I was expected to do well academically and then go on to college, even though doing just about anything was already increasingly difficult, and the prospect of going through two more years of high school was just unimaginable. After years of being berated about this at length on a daily basis and hauled to a succession of unhelpful therapists, I dropped out at 14 due to being wholly unable to function at school, which was honestly a relief to me – I just wanted it all to end. I later got my GED at 18, but I never again wanted to be subjected to anything like what I’d been through. Continue reading

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