Tag Archives: sex

Your mileage may vary: Trans women and erectile function

One common question asked by trans women considering hormone therapy is how this may affect their ability to have penetrative sex. Antiandrogens and estrogen can impair erectile function, reducing spontaneous erections, responsiveness to sexual arousal, and nocturnal erections — an … Continue reading

Posted in Biology of transition, Endocrinology, Sexuality | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Entitled to Sex? Says Who?

by Penny Robo A spectacularly widespread claim is that of the aggressive trans woman demanding sex, lest the demandee be slapped with the label of “transphobic”. When radical feminists parade this narrative, it’s presented as evidence of an inherent and … Continue reading

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Sex with trans women: A frank discussion with Zinnia and Penny (NSFW)

Previously: Why some trans people don’t date cis people, Reclaiming our transgender sexualities Zinnia and Penny sit down and discuss the latest controversies over trans-cis dating and relationships. Note: Contains explicit content and sexual themes.

Posted in Media, Rhetoric, Sexuality, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

At the gates of lesbianism

by Heather McNamara Welcome to lesbianism! And congratulations on your decision to give up dating men. They can be fun sometimes, but I can tell you from experience that lesbianism is way way more fun. For starters, there are boobs. … Continue reading

Posted in Sexuality, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Reclaiming our transgender sexualities

Consider this: How do you feel sexy when half of the country thinks you rape people in public bathrooms? As a trans woman, it’s staggering to think about just how much of my sexual existence has been defined and circumscribed … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Sexuality, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , , | 12 Comments