Category Archives: Health care

Migraine headaches, trans people, and hormone therapy

From age 3 or 4, which is as far back as I can remember, I experienced chronic, frequent migraine headaches, just as my mother and her father have had throughout their lives. These episodes of severe pain would often happen … Continue reading

Posted in Biology of transition, Endocrinology, Health care | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Y’all know comorbidity is a thing, right?

By Penny Robo One of the most frustrating arguments to encounter when witnessing discussions involving gender-crits on whether or not a person is “really trans” is the invocation of other conditions the person has as a catch-all explanation. “You’re not … Continue reading

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Additional information on transition treatment for trans women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations

I’ve previously covered existing research on hormone therapy for trans women who are at an increased risk of breast cancer due to BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. As transitioning with estrogen induces the growth of breast tissue just as in cis … Continue reading

Posted in Breast, Endocrinology, Health care, Oncology, Surgery, Transgender medicine | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Real solutions for self-medication: Expanding access to transition care via family physicians and informed consent protocols

If you’ve perused the British press lately, you’ve probably noticed that mixed in with the daily barrage of cookie-cutter anti-trans opinion pieces was this alarming headline: “Cowboy chemists are selling ‘DIY trans’ pills to teenagers as more and more are … Continue reading

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New study: Hormone therapy appears to be safe in trans youth

It’s common to encounter uninformed claims online about the supposed toxicity, carcinogenicity, or outsized health risks of medical treatment for trans people, such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy. While such claims are almost universally unsubstantiated, positive evidence for the … Continue reading

Posted in Endocrinology, Health care, Trans youth, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , | Leave a comment