Category Archives: Media

The Rule of Mattress-Eaters: Media sensationalism is different for trans people – but it shouldn’t be

Stefonknee Wolscht, a Canadian trans woman who “takes on the persona of a little girl” as part of “reverting to a childhood she finds comfort in”, has been subject to an extraordinary degree of negative media and public attention for … Continue reading

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Why anti-trans parents’ testimonies are unreliable as evidence: a response to Jay Keck and the Kelsey Coalition

A recent opinion piece in USA TODAY by parent Jay Keck of the anti-trans Kelsey Coalition offers a disturbing picture of how trans-rejecting family members rationalize their refusal to recognize trans youth’s identities. Keck, whose trans son is already misgendered … Continue reading

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How trans youth and their parents decide to start medical transition

The process by which trans adolescents seek out and access medical transition treatment, including puberty blockers and/or cross-sex hormones, is one of the most widely misunderstood subjects in the public imagination. Initiating treatment is frequently depicted as something capricious, a … Continue reading

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Evidence of increases in homophobic bullying linked to anti-gay political measures

Referenda against marriage equality, and the accompanying public debates which inevitably surround them for months or years, have been among the ugliest episodes in American politics. In the heyday of these measures, campaigners against marriage equality routinely promoted some of … Continue reading

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Scraping the bottom of the transphobia barrel: Daily Mail fearmongers about trans-inclusive safer sex advice

The British press often seems to have an insatiable need to find the next big thing to get upset about regarding trans people – and what could be a more sensational topic than having sex with us? This month, the … Continue reading

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