Category Archives: Trans youth

A closer look at trajectories of childhood social gender transitions

I’ve previously covered certain popular misuses of figures on the proportion of gender-dysphoric children whose dysphoria desists or persists into adolescence following the onset of puberty. While the figure, commonly repeated as an 80% rate of desistance, is actually subject … Continue reading

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Boston Children’s Hospital establishes a framework for gender-affirming surgeries on minors

Throughout the past decade, there’s been no shortage of popular alarmism surrounding the spectre of “children being given sex changes” – a misconception borne of either incidental or deliberately cultivated ignorance about what transition entails at various ages, suggesting the … Continue reading

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Michael Laidlaw and friends still misunderstand the basics of affirming care for trans youth

I’ve previously covered Dr. Michael K. Laidlaw et al.’s (2019) remarkable feat of fitting so many inaccuracies and distortions about trans youth treatments into an eight-paragraph letter to the editor in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, it took … Continue reading

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Gender-affirming chest reconstruction surgery is highly effective for nonbinary patients

Even in the context of transgender identities and gender-affirming care and medical treatments, gender norms and stereotypes received from a cissexist society can still be uncomfortably prevalent, and this is particularly visible in the hostility with which nonbinary people trans … Continue reading

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Lisa Littman cites Edwards-Leeper & Spack (2012) in her “rapid onset gender dysphoria” study – but did she read it?

Lisa Littman’s now-notorious study on an alleged new “rapid onset gender dysphoria” condition occurring in adolescents as a result of “social contagion” (Littman, 2018) has already received extensive criticism, including but not limited to her reliance on only secondhand reports … Continue reading

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