Study of entire French population offers further data on cyproterone acetate and meningioma risk

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice.

Zinnia JonesCyproterone acetate (CPA) is widely used as an antiandrogen for trans women and transfeminine people outside of the United States, lowering testosterone levels as part of feminizing HRT. In addition to blocking androgen receptors, CPA is also a strong synthetic progestin, acting on the progesterone receptor more powerfully than bioidentical progesterone itself (Hammerstein, 1990). Long-term use of CPA has been established as a risk for developing meningiomas, a type of usually benign brain tumor that expresses progesterone receptors and is stimulated to grow by strong progestins such as CPA (Korhonen et al., 2006). Many of these tumors would otherwise be small and asymptomatic; CPA may not produce them, but it can cause them to grow larger and become symptomatic, requiring treatment with surgery or radiation.

Meningioma has been found to occur more often in those assigned female, who as a group tend to experience higher progesterone levels over their lifetime than those assigned male (Wiemels, Wrensch, & Claus, 2010). Multiple studies of large cohorts of trans women taking CPA have found that they are more likely to develop meningiomas than the general population (Ter Wengel et al., 2016; Nota et al., 2018), and studies of cis women and cis men revealed that high doses of CPA were linked to a greater likelihood of meningioma (Gil et al., 2011). Weill et al. (2019), examining a cohort of 131,485 cis women in France, established that greater cumulative exposure to CPA over time was associated with a steadily increasing meningioma risk, and the European Medicines Agency subsequently stated that any dose of 10mg or more should only be used “once other treatment options, including treatment with lower doses, have failed”. Continue reading

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First report of trans man having successful fertility preservation without interrupting HRT

Zinnia JonesSuccessive studies have worked to pin down how testosterone used in masculinizing HRT can affect fertility in trans men and transmasculine people who still have a uterus and ovaries. Despite popular misconceptions, HRT as part of medical transition generally does not have a permanently sterilizing effect. Instead, reductions in fertility may be temporary or reversible – or even nonexistent. Trans men may seek to preserve their fertility prior to gonadectomy (surgery that includes removal of the ovaries) using ovarian stimulation and cryopreservation, in which oocytes are released, extracted, and frozen. Crucially, this can be performed even after starting masculinizing HRT. Continue reading

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Proxalutamide, a new antiandrogen, improves COVID-19 outcomes in trials of men and women

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a rapidly evolving situation, and this information may be superseded by later findings. This article was last updated on February 28, 2021.

Zinnia JonesSince the worldwide outbreak of pandemic coronavirus last year, sex-specific patterns of infection and severity have offered tantalizing hints about the disease process and possible treatments. With those assigned male being significantly more likely than those assigned female to experience severe COVID-19 and death (Peckham et al., 2020), an explanation was sought. The cause of this bias appears to be multifactorial: two X chromosomes can code for a broader array of immune responses than only one, higher estrogen levels boost immune response to infection, and androgens such as testosterone can suppress immune function. This suggested the possibility of treating COVID-19 using estrogen, antiandrogens, or both. Continue reading

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Trans men and transmasculine people can get effective vocal pitch surgery too

Zinnia JonesI’ve previously posted about studies of vocal deepening among trans men and transmasculine people on testosterone and the range of results that are achieved. Voice pitch deepening under the effects of testosterone is a one-way process – testosterone deprivation or administration of estrogen cannot physically reverse it, and trans women seeking to raise their vocal pitch therefore need to rely on vocal training or vocal cord surgery.

However, a portion of trans men on testosterone still do not experience a satisfactory deepening of pitch. A meta-analysis of 520 trans men taking testosterone found that after a year of treatment, 21% still did not have a fundamental frequency in the typical range of less than 131 Hz for cisgender men (Ziegler et al., 2018). Along with Nygren et al. (2016), these authors recommended that trans men with unsatisfactory voice changes from testosterone should receive specialized voice therapy and training to develop a more masculine voice. Continue reading

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Put it under your tongue? Typical hormone levels for trans women on HRT, and differing effects of oral and parenteral estradiol

Zinnia JonesLast year, I covered the results of a study of trans men and transmasculine people who had been on masculinizing HRT for at least a year, which were used to establish reference intervals empirically and determine which range of testosterone levels encompasses the middle 95% of trans men on HRT. These reference ranges for laboratory blood tests determine whether a given measurement for a patient is “normal”, or within two standard deviations of the population average.

In the previous study, the reference interval for testosterone found among trans men on HRT spanned a much wider range than the guideline of 400-700 ng/dL that the Endocrine Society most recently recommended as a target range for testosterone treatment. Instead, only about the middle 50% of trans men had testosterone levels measured within that range. The authors noted that this may not be an issue requiring dose adjustment, as the wide variations in timing between the blood draw and the injection of intramuscular T – which can be given every week, every two weeks, or even every three months – can significantly influence the measured levels even when these men may still have levels in the guideline target range at most times. Continue reading

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