The burden of representation

By Penny Robo

For all the wrong reasons, certain someones have made the news recently and I can’t help but dread what’s going to be waiting for us around the corner because of them. Minorities and other marginalized people have known something for a very long time: when people are looking for a reason to dismiss us, one of us speaks for all of us.

We’re considered mouthpieces for our entire community, our words and actions reflective of our entire group. Wave after wave of white, conservative men committing mass shootings: whatever can we do about these lone wolves? One trans woman commits a crime in prison: all trans women should be locked up in men’s prisons. Continue reading

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Minnesota Mom is Just… Terrible. Really Awful.

By Penny Robo

Already self-sufficient for years due to parents dealing with substance abuse issues, 13 year old “EJK” came out to her parents as gay, triggering a wave of verbal and physical abuse. Her mother permitted her to live with her biological father at 15, but he was soon incarcerated and, rather than returning to her mother, lived with friends and her grandmother, all while attending school and starting to work, eventually moving into her own apartment by 16. After more than 6 months without any contact with her mother, and considering the ongoing circumstances of her life (including her demonstrated self-sufficiency) she was considered for all intents and purposes to be an adult and in charge of her own medical decisions.

One of her first decisions was to begin hormone replacement therapy. Continue reading

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North Carolina takes another step in walking back their “bathroom bill”

By Penny Robo

North Carolina no longer requiring trans people to amend birth certificates to use public restrooms matching identity.

2016’s HB2 , North Carolina’s infamous “bathroom bill,” was far from a success. A mass (and very public) exodus of prominent entities ranging from the NBA to PayPal to Adidas (and even Ringo Starr) followed in the wake of HB 2’s passing, which prevented trans people from using the appropriate public restroom accommodations, and suits were immediately filed challenging the validity of such a law. Through considerable public shaming and legal efforts, HB 2 was officially dead not long after its birth, but elements of it were never fully repealed by its official replacement, HB 142, which left sufficient ambiguity to continue affecting trans people in their everyday lives. Continue reading

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Should elderly trans women continue taking HRT?

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice.

Zinnia JonesOne question frequently asked by trans women pertains to whether they will continue to take cross-sex hormones throughout their lifetime, or whether this will be tapered off or discontinued once they reach an age at which most cis women experience menopause. For many trans women, this won’t become relevant to them for several decades, but for others, this is a more immediate question: Gooren & T’Sjoen (2018) note that hundreds of trans women at the VU University gender clinic in Amsterdam are now age 60 or older. Additionally, some trans women may first seek treatment at an age beyond that at which cis women typically experience menopause. The circumstances of aging trans women, who do not possess ovaries and may or may not still possess testes, are clearly different from those of postmenopausal cis women in regards to sex hormones and development. So what approach to HRT is recommended for this group? Continue reading

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Acne and body hair growth patterns in trans men on testosterone

Zinnia JonesTwo recent letters to the editor in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology shed light on the degree of body hair growth that trans men can expect from testosterone, as well as the various factors implicated in the development of acne in this population. The first, by Motosko et al. (2019), examined body hair growth patterns in 90 trans men compared to 30 cis men and 30 cis women. The authors observed that among trans men, those who were taking testosterone scored higher on a measure of body hair growth compared to cis women, but lower than cis men: Continue reading

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