Is the “rapid onset gender dysphoria” hoax designed to misdiagnose trans kids?

One of the biggest pitfalls in the research on persistence and desistence of gender dysphoria in youth has been the shortcomings of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for the condition, which were overly broad and resulted in studies wrongly including children who were merely gender-nonconforming as being “gender dysphoric”. This compromised the value of findings on rates of desistance, as the finding that many youth in this combined group do not experience gender dysphoria means little if they may have never been experiencing gender dysphoria.

Ironically, another poorly-constructed, overbroad “diagnosis” now threatens to compromise our understanding of the development of gender dysphoria in youth, and miscategorizes these youth in a similar fashion. The alleged condition of “rapid-onset gender dysphoria”, a hoax launched by three anti-trans groups, is so vague that it poses a risk of improperly diagnosing genuinely dysphoric trans youth as instead having this new fictional disorder. This condition has not been scientifically validated to any degree, with the only known study using anonymous answers online from parents who were part of those three anti-trans groups. Continue reading

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Trans women with BRCA mutations: options for hormone therapy

The risk of breast cancer is a concern for trans women transitioning using estrogen and anti-androgens: they experience the growth of substantial breast tissue just as cis women do, and the use of estrogen could promote the growth of any estrogen-sensitive breast cancers. Researchers have found that breast cancer in trans women is not overly common, and that breast cancer occurs at roughly the same rates in trans women as in cis women (Brown & Jones, 2015).

However, the potential for developing breast cancer is an especially serious issue for trans women with mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Similar to cis women, trans women with these mutations are at a much higher risk for developing breast cancer. The question of how such patients should be treated in terms of hormone therapy – does HRT pose unacceptable risks? how should the risk of breast cancer be managed? – has been examined in several publications. Continue reading

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A Modest Proposal

A Modest Proposal

For Preventing Mass Shootings and Victims Thereof From Being a Burden to Their Parents and Country and For Making Them Beneficial to Incels.

by Heather McNamara

Heather McNamaraIn these dark times, I think we can all agree that it is a modern tragedy to see so many straight American men who are unable to find women who will satisfy and settle down with them. These involuntarily celibate men or “incels” tragically do not possess the necessary skills and strength to attract women. Their frustration and aggression, often contributors to their pitiable situations, go unfocused and unchecked until finally they erupt, acquire AR-15s, and unload into classrooms, churches, and other crowds. It’s a senseless waste of energy and life.

In past generations, endless wars abroad would have required a steady influx of able-bodied men, ready to fight bloody on the front lines and die, but with the invention of drones and the relatively recent acceptance of women into all branches of the military, war is no longer an effective instrument for the mass culling of the strongest and most courageous sons of the United States. These men are now as they say “on the market,” freed from the drafts of the past to pursue educations, careers, and partnership with women. Lesser men who once would have been paired up with women who bemoaned their lack of options are now relegated to dark, sad corners of the internet where they craft theories about how they imagine women might behave.

But please, dear reader, rest assured that my proposal will help not only the incels, but everyone. Schools around the country are overwhelmed attempting to assure worried parents that their children will be safe in the next attack. Precious hours of education and teacher productivity are lost to practicing active shooter drills while school administrators attend meeting after meeting to draft assurances that security is under control.

As a long time scholar of gender dynamics, having given this a lot of thought and weighed the opinions of possibly the entire esteemed NYTimes Op-Ed department, I can assure you that my proposal is the only sure way to end the mayhem. Any alternative would only serve as a temporary band-aid or a haphazard deterrent, sure to fail. Moreover, I urge the reader to enact my proposal at their earliest possible chance. After all, as we enter the sixth month of 2018, we are already on our 143rd mass shooting of the year. 212 otherwise productive citizens have gone to waste thanks to the  furious men whose celibacy-related anger had no other outlet short of mass murder following the acquisition of readily available high powered weapons. Continue reading

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What facial changes can trans people expect from HRT?

Yes, HRT does change your facial features – and a new study has actually measured this.

One of the most exciting aspects of HRT for trans people is seeing the physical changes in facial appearance, with trans women typically experiencing a reduction in masculine features while developing more prominent feminine features, and vice versa for trans men. It’s one of the topics most commonly asked about in support forums like Reddit’s AskTransgender: many trans people wait eagerly for the gradual changes in their face over months and years, and often wonder what the various details of their facial features will look like. Continue reading

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Blaire White and Arielle Scarcella don’t want cis people to love trans women

A few months back, Blaire White and Arielle Scarcella had some thoughts to offer on the subject of cis people’s attractions to trans women:

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