Tag Archives: personal

Zinnia’s college adventures, year 3: A Florida public university is forcing us into conditions of unchecked pandemic exposure

Previously: Zinnia goes to college, gets more knowledge (June 2019) Zinnia’s continued college adventures: summer 2019 (August 2019) Notes on my first two years at college as an adult learner (November 2020) I have been a student in the Florida … Continue reading

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Twice in a million: Heather McNamara on surviving two rare CVST strokes

By Heather McNamara The first intelligible words I remember speaking when I woke up were “I wish I hadn’t…”  My mother answered from beside me “Wish you hadn’t what?” “I don’t know? Drank so much? Eaten so much?” “It wasn’t … Continue reading

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AstraZeneca or not, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is a complex and potentially fatal emergency. Is the world prepared?

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. The COVID-19 pandemic and investigations into the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots are rapidly evolving situations. This information may be superseded by later findings. This article was … Continue reading

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The Gender Analysis word of the year is: resentment

When I think about the concept of resentment, I primarily think about it in the context of relationships: causes for anger or offense that aren’t voiced aloud and handled productively, but left unaddressed, piling up into an accumulation that ruptures, … Continue reading

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2020’s hard lessons in public health pessimism

I was wrong. For the better part of a decade, my approach to communicating transgender medicine and science to the public has been premised on certain unexamined lay assumptions about what this wider audience struggles with and what they require … Continue reading

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