Tag Archives: transition

New clinical findings from Dr. Will Powers: Role of estradiol/estrone ratio in the efficacy of feminizing HRT

(Epistemic status: Extremely tentative.) Dr. Will Powers, an HRT provider in Michigan who has possibly the coolest name ever, has recently posted a slideshow outlining findings from his practice on the most effective approaches to feminizing hormone therapy for trans … Continue reading

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Your mileage may vary: Trans women and erectile function

One common question asked by trans women considering hormone therapy is how this may affect their ability to have penetrative sex. Antiandrogens and estrogen can impair erectile function, reducing spontaneous erections, responsiveness to sexual arousal, and nocturnal erections — an … Continue reading

Posted in Biology of transition, Endocrinology, Sexuality | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Cyproterone acetate and meningioma risk in trans women

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. Do not take any medication without appropriate medical supervision. Cyproterone acetate (CPA) is a hormonal medication commonly used as an antiandrogen for trans women, as well as in … Continue reading

Posted in Endocrinology, Health care, Oncology, Progestogens, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

5 things to know about transgender depersonalization

“…I was a dispassionate observer of my own life. The person who went through the motions wasn’t the observer-me. Whenever the acting-me felt any emotions, the observer-me recognized the emotions but didn’t feel them herself.” 1. Chronic depersonalization is a … Continue reading

Posted in Depersonalization, Gender dysphoria, Health care, Psychology and psychiatry, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

A new plastic surgery technique for hip widening

While feminizing hormone therapy can produce extensive visible changes for trans women, one aspect of the body that remains largely unchanged is the skeletal structure. Trans women who were not treated with puberty blockers in adolescence generally lack options when … Continue reading

Posted in Surgery, Transgender medicine | Tagged , | 8 Comments