Category Archives: Outcomes of transition

Effectiveness of vaginoplasty for trans women confirmed once again in new study

Vaginoplasty for trans women, the surgical construction of a vagina and labia from penile and scrotal tissue, is a highly effective treatment for gender dysphoria. For decades, numerous large studies have found that vaginoplasty is associated with a significant reduction … Continue reading

Posted in Outcomes of transition, Surgery, Transgender medicine | Tagged , | 1 Comment

What facial changes can trans people expect from HRT?

Yes, HRT does change your facial features – and a new study has actually measured this. One of the most exciting aspects of HRT for trans people is seeing the physical changes in facial appearance, with trans women typically experiencing … Continue reading

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Most anti-transgender scientific claims are unsound

Critics of transition treatments, opponents of transgender identity, and other anti-trans advocates have often claimed that trans people and our supporters have failed to address scientific findings that call into question the gender-affirmative approach. Ryan T. Anderson, a homophobic researcher … Continue reading

Posted in Autism, Hoaxes, Outcomes of transition, Regret and detransition, Trans youth | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Evidence of health benefits of medical transition: Gender dysphoria, body image, sexual functioning, and quality of life

Medical transition for the treatment of gender dysphoria, including hormonal and surgical treatment, is linked to improvements in health in many areas of trans people’s lives. Transition is known to be effective in resolving gender dysphoria itself, and is associated … Continue reading

Posted in Gender dysphoria, Outcomes of transition, Trans youth, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Why the “youth transition as anti-gay conversion therapy” myth doesn’t add up

Previously: Fresh trans myths of 2017: “rapid onset gender dysphoria” When “desisters” aren’t: De-desistance in childhood and adolescent gender dysphoria Do all trans youth on puberty blockers go on to transition? An increasing share of anti-trans discourse is now occupied … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Hoaxes, Outcomes of transition, Trans youth, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments