“Transtrenders” aren’t a thing, but transphobia-trenders are

It’s common nowadays to encounter the insistent claim that “there are only two genders, male and female”. These simplistic and loud declarations resemble nothing more than a random interjection by a person who’s shouting for no clear reason. This is one of those instances where a statement manages to be as wrong as it is brief. Inaccuracy is compact like that – reality is detailed, and the more details you strip away, the further you get from reality. Continue reading

Posted in History, Nonbinary, Personal, Sociological research, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Myth: Pimozide and gender dysphoria (Gender Analysis)

Summary: Transphobes are irresponsibly promoting the idea that trans people should be treated with ineffective antipsychotic drugs. The “evidence” they present is so weak as to be practically nonexistent. Such a claim could only be plausible to those with no knowledge whatsoever of the broad consensus of scientific research: that transitioning is the only effective treatment for gender dysphoria.

There’s a particularly odd belief that’s been popularized by transphobes over the past few years: the claim that the antipsychotic drug pimozide can treat gender dysphoria in trans people by removing their desire to transition. This idea has been promoted in videos like these describing trans people as ‘mentally ill’, some of which have several hundred thousand views:

[08:11] Also echoing the research thus stated are pharmacotherapy studies that are 20 years old that used the drug pimozide on a cross-dressing man with a strong wish to undergo a sex change. The outcome of the study, as far as I know, has never been mentioned in the mainstream media, or at least I’ve never heard about it between the cacophony of how Caitlyn Jenner is so brave and so beautiful. But, “There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. When, after 1 year, the dose was reduced to 1 mg daily, there was a rapid return of the cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. An increase in the dose again led to a remission which has been maintained since then.” And the conclusion was that, “Pharmacotherapy with pimozide should be considered in cases of doubtful gender dysphoria.” But in all reality, this is one of those cases where you don’t really need to appeal to scientific authority, as it’s clear even enough to a layman to come to these conclusions.

Continue reading

Posted in Gender dysphoria, Health care, Hoaxes, Outcomes of transition, Psychology and psychiatry, Regret and detransition, Transgender medicine, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

What are the odds you’ll stop harassing trans kids? (Gender Analysis)

Previously: Debunking common myths about transgender youth, Transgender youth fact check

Let’s connect some dots. On December 22nd, the Kansas City Star reported:

It didn’t take long for two public reactions to erupt on the announcement this month that Avery Jackson, a 9-year-old girl from Kansas City, would be the first known transgender individual to be pictured on the cover of National Geographic.

The first and most overwhelming reaction to her appearance on one version of the magazine’s January cover continues to be an outpouring of support.

The second: hate — scorching and violent messages. One suggested that the only way Avery would be safe is if her mother were “exterminated.”

“It’s a bunch of internet trolls,” said Debi Jackson, 42, Avery’s mother. “And what they do for fun is find people to make fun of and start threads. This one particular group likes to target the trans community — a lot of them try to target people and harass them so much so that they’ll commit suicide.

“They’ve started a thread about me, (describing me) as a horrible and abusive parent who is using my child for fame and fortune, and obviously I have a twisted sexual deviancy issues to make my boy act like a girl…”

“They found information (about our family) and put it out there. People later commented, ‘Yeah, she’s definitely one who needs to be cyberbullied until she commits suicide.’ ”

Obviously this harassment is horrible and completely unacceptable. What kind of person would target a child and her family in this way? Who could be behind something like this?

Take a guess. Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Media, Outcomes of transition, Psychology and psychiatry, Replies, Sociological research, Statistics and demographics, Trans youth, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Debunking hypothetical arguments about youth transition (Gender Analysis)

Previously: Transgender youth fact check

There’s a particular genre of opinion piece that erroneously portrays the early treatment of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria as being subject to overdiagnosis, as forcing potentially-cisgender children to “become” inevitably transgender, or as serving as some kind of “reparative therapy” targeting gender-nonconforming gays and lesbians. These articles have been penned by feminist commentators like Julie Bindel and Sarah Ditum, and even other popular figures like actor Rupert Everett. A column by Bindel in the Daily Mail earlier this year is a representative example:

When I was growing up as a girl in the Seventies, I wanted to be a boy. It wasn’t simply that I knew I was sexually attracted to women – much more importantly, I looked around and saw boys had more power, more freedom, more fun. Of course I wanted to be a boy.

If I were a teenager today, well-meaning liberal teachers and social workers would probably tell me that I was trapped in the wrong body. They might refer me to a psychiatrist who would prescribe fistfuls of hormones and other drugs. And terrifyingly, I might easily be recommended for gender re-assignment surgery… just because I didn’t like the pink straitjacket imposed on girls.

… What is on offer is not support for a young lesbian, but the promise of a medical conversion. Any idea this is liberal, progressive behaviour is completely wrong. It pushes us back to the dark ages, to a time when lesbianism wasn’t even recognised.

And in the New Statesman, Sarah Ditum argued:

There’s a risk that increased medicalisation could be imposing permanent physical changes on children who, left to their own devices, would discover they are quite happy living with their natal sex – about 80 per cent of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria desist before adulthood, but the normalisation of medical transition could commit many to irrevocable treatments they would otherwise avoid.

Rupert Everett further hypothesized:

Everett, currently starring in the BBC1 show The Musketeers, told the Sunday Times magazine: “I really wanted to be a girl. Thank God the world of now wasn’t then, because I’d be on hormones and I’d be a woman. After I was 15 I never wanted to be a woman again.”

He believes parents who “get medical” are scary, saying: “It’s nice to be allowed to express yourself, but the hormone thing, very young, is a big step. I think a lot of children have an ambivalence when they’re very young to what sex they are or what they feel about everyone. And there should be a way of embracing it.”

These claims are sensationalized misrepresentations with no basis in fact. The current protocols for the use of puberty blockers in gender-questioning youth recognize all of these potential concerns and account for them effectively, exercising an abundance of caution in order to rule out the possibility of misdiagnosis. Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Health care, Outcomes of transition, Psychology and psychiatry, Regret and detransition, Trans youth, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Feminist analysis: Nothing is ugly, nothing is pretty

Like many of you, I’m very disappointed to be spending the next four years living under our new misogynist-in-chief. This is a national travesty – a living, breathing YouTube comment of a man, occupying the White House. Donald Trump is a disgrace and his election indicts our whole society. The man is a frat boy of the worst kind, a juvenile bully who treats women like objects. Can you imagine Barack Obama conducting himself in this way – constantly, brazenly disrespecting the women around him, rating women’s looks from 1 to 10 like it’s the most natural thing in the world to him, bragging to Howard Stern about walking in on beauty contestants in dressing rooms?

This is possibly the last thing I wanted to spend my time dealing with – it feels like a bad joke. But given the unfortunate fact that we’re going to be living under this nightmare man and his schoolyard nonsense for several years, I think we could all benefit from an understanding of one of the primary ways in which Donald Trump is completely full of shit. Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Personal, Politics and law, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments