Chromosomes: cis expectations vs. trans reality (Gender Analysis 14)

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Previously: Bathroom bills: dehumanization and controlStop calling trans women “male”

There’s a popular belief that XX or XY chromosomes should serve as the sole determinant of whether someone is a woman or a man. This is a model of sex assignment that’s easy and absolute, offering two clearly divided categories that are meant to encompass everyone. This definition even appeared as part of legislation filed in Texas this year, which stated: Continue reading

Posted in Biology of transition, Health care, Philosophy and language, Politics and law, Statistics and demographics, Transgender medicine, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

Cis world, trans world: interactional gaps (Gender Analysis 13)

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Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. Social interactions between trans people and cis people are often fraught with misunderstandings, miscommunications, and confusion on both sides. Even assuming good intentions all around, it’s so easy for us to step on each other’s toes. Why are trans people so sensitive? Why are cis people so insensitive? Continue reading

Posted in Media, Personal, Statistics and demographics, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Why do you call yourself a lesbian if your girlfriend has a dick? (Gender Analysis 12)

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Zinnia: Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. The sexuality of trans people and our partners is something that many cis people struggle to understand. Misconceptions about who we are lead to oversimplified folk theories of what it means to be attracted to us and how best to describe this in the context of sexual orientation. Curiosity about sex tends to bring our anatomy into the conversation, causing further confusion even when this isn’t relevant at all. Today, my partner Heather will be exploring the most common and frustrating question she’s been asked as a partner of trans women: why does she call herself a lesbian if her girlfriends have penises? Continue reading

Posted in Personal, Philosophy and language, Sexuality, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

3 years of HRT, and 8 things I’ve learned (Gender Analysis 11)

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Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. For the past three years, I’ve been on hormone replacement therapy as a part of transitioning. Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, is usually comprised of testosterone blockers and estrogen for trans women. The physical changes include breast growth, fat redistribution, muscle loss, genital shrinkage, and an overall feminized appearance. Continue reading

Posted in Awareness building, Biology of transition, Gender dysphoria, Outcomes of transition, Personal, Sexuality, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , | 11 Comments

Paul McHugh is wrong: transitioning is effective (Gender Analysis 10)

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Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. Every so often, a particular bit of folklore pops up in the media: the claim that transitioning doesn’t actually help to improve transgender people’s health and well-being. News outlets like the Washington Times, the National Review, the Daily Caller, Breitbart, the Christian Post, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and even the New York Times have all promoted the idea that these treatments are ineffective for us. Continue reading

Posted in Health care, History, Hoaxes, Media, Outcomes of transition, Psychology and psychiatry, Transgender medicine, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments