Tag Archives: medicine

Update on case reports: Cyproterone acetate and meningioma in trans women

Previously: Cyproterone acetate and meningioma risk in trans women (March 2018) Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. Do not take any medication without appropriate medical supervision. Summary Cyproterone acetate (CPA) is commonly used as … Continue reading

Posted in Endocrinology, Oncology, Progestogens, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

4thWaveNow “ROGD parent” Brie Jontry doesn’t know what histrelin is

4thWaveNow, one of the three survey respondent recruitment sites for the badly flawed study of an alleged new “rapid onset gender dysphoria” condition, has long served as a clearinghouse for questionable notions about puberty-blocking medications used for transgender youth. These … Continue reading

Posted in Endocrinology, Health care, Trans youth, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Depersonalization and sensitivity to fluorescent lighting: Have other trans people experienced this?

As a teenager, I was often profoundly uncomfortable with the fluorescent lights used in schools, businesses, and other settings. From age 13 onward, it was impossible for me not to notice the unnerving light and color they cast onto everything, … Continue reading

Posted in Depersonalization, Gender dysphoria, Psychology and psychiatry | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Y’all know comorbidity is a thing, right?

By Penny Robo One of the most frustrating arguments to encounter when witnessing discussions involving gender-crits on whether or not a person is “really trans” is the invocation of other conditions the person has as a catch-all explanation. “You’re not … Continue reading

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Additional information on transition treatment for trans women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations

I’ve previously covered existing research on hormone therapy for trans women who are at an increased risk of breast cancer due to BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. As transitioning with estrogen induces the growth of breast tissue just as in cis … Continue reading

Posted in Breast, Endocrinology, Health care, Oncology, Surgery, Transgender medicine | Tagged , | Leave a comment