Tag Archives: science

Even more data confirms: Trans people’s awareness of their gender long precedes disclosure to others

Last month, I looked at the findings of Restar et al. (2019) in Transgender Health, which examined the developmental trajectories and milestones of trans women aged 16 to 29 and found that their own awareness of their identity as women … Continue reading

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Transphobic and homophobic attitudes are so highly correlated they might be the same thing

Within the baseless anti-trans claim that gender-affirming care for trans youth constitutes a form of anti-gay “conversion therapy” applied to these children, one key component is the assertion that their parents would prefer to have a child who isn’t attracted … Continue reading

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What is transphobia made of? Perception of deception predicts transphobic prejudice

To the frustration of trans people, allies, and other generally reasonable individuals, transphobic attitudes continue to exist and inflict harm on innocent people. We know all too well that far too many people are transphobic – but why? What motivates … Continue reading

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A measured look at lactation and breastfeeding by trans women

While public awareness of transness and visibility of trans people have grown substantially in recent years, many people are still unaware of some of the particular details of the medical process of transitioning. For instance, trans women have described occasionally … Continue reading

Posted in Breast, Endocrinology, Media, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Dr. Michael Laidlaw et al. publish anti-trans letter with more errors than paragraphs (part 4)

Previously in Part 1: Endocrine aspects, cardiovascular risk, and sexual functioning. Previously in Part 2: Desistance, persistence, and “objective tests” for gender dysphoria. Previously in Part 3: Medical ethics, fertility preservation, and ovarian pathology.   Dhejne et al. (2011) and … Continue reading

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