We the Mudbloods: J. K. Rowling and the Trans-Exterminationists (Book 1)

Zinnia JonesAs a published work by perhaps the most famous author in the world, J. K. Rowling’s muddled, meandering, hastily-assembled essay on the supposed dangers posed by transgender rights and acceptance earns a solid one-star review. In the absence of a byline, there would be nothing to indicate that this was produced by the creator of a beautiful fantasy world that captured the hearts of children and adults the world over. There is not a hint of transcendence, imagination, or humanist care for the well-being of others to be found here; it is a base and shameless exhibition of the worst tendencies of fear, ignorance, and dehumanization. Harry Potter is to this essay what Aladdin is to your vulgar uncle who spends Thanksgiving dinner calling for a billion people to be bombed into glass. Continue reading

Posted in Autism, Awareness building, Health care, Regret and detransition, Replies, Sexuality, Statistics and demographics, Trans youth, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Happy Pride, remember your riotous roots!

by Heather McNamara

Pick up a brick.

This month is the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall riot. We have a tendency to think of it as the riot – the one that marked the beginning and end of rioting for queer rights but it was neither of those. It was one riot in a hundred year span of riots that succeeded and failed in varying degrees to convince the privileged that our lives mattered. Continue reading

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Swedish study, meet the Dutch study: Suicide rates among trans people are elevated, but not by “20 times”

Zinnia JonesAsk anti-trans activists to provide sources for their assertions that trans people’s identities are inauthentic or that transition treatment is ineffective, and you’ll typically hear one of these four: Continue reading

Posted in Hoaxes, Outcomes of transition, Statistics and demographics, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

May COVID-19 updates: From spironolactone to estrogen to GnRH antagonists

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. Our understanding of the pandemic is evolving rapidly; this information may be superseded by later and more conclusive findings. This article was last updated on May 31, 2020.

Zinnia JonesIs it just me, or is this pandemic getting… transier?

In March, I reported on unsubstantiated claims circulating in beauty magazines that spironolactone, used as an acne treatment for cis women and a testosterone blocker for trans women, could increase the likelihood of contracting the novel coronavirus or worsen the severity of COVID-19. Several medical organizations soon clarified that any risk here appears to be theoretical and is not cause for discontinuing spironolactone, and other doctors have even suggested that it could have a beneficial effect in treating the disease; one study in Turkey is comparing a five-day course of 200mg of spironolactone to placebo in the treatment of acute respiratory distress. Continue reading

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New study quantifies trans women’s changes in sexual response on HRT

Zinnia JonesTrans people’s firsthand experiences of sexuality and its changes throughout transition have typically received less attention in scientific literature than topics such as our experiences of intimate partner violence and our sexual behavior in the context of HIV/STI risk. The effects of hormone therapy on the level of sexual desire of trans women and trans men over time have only recently been reported; another study in the early 2000s found that trans women show no correlation between their levels of testosterone and their erectile function. Much of the information on sexual changes associated with transition is instead circulated in the form of community knowledge and personal experiences. Continue reading

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