Tag Archives: HRT

How do spironolactone and cyproterone acetate compare for testosterone suppression in trans women?

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. Trans women are often understandably curious about which HRT regimens, typically consisting of estrogen and an antiandrogen, are most effective in producing the desired levels of estrogen … Continue reading

Posted in Endocrinology, Transgender medicine | Tagged , | 1 Comment

New data on trans women’s estradiol/estrone ratios for different routes of administration of HRT

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. I’ve previously covered anecdotal reports from HRT provider Dr. Will Powers on the role of relative levels of different kinds of estrogens in producing effective physical feminization … Continue reading

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A measured look at lactation and breastfeeding by trans women

While public awareness of transness and visibility of trans people have grown substantially in recent years, many people are still unaware of some of the particular details of the medical process of transitioning. For instance, trans women have described occasionally … Continue reading

Posted in Breast, Endocrinology, Media, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Did California state prisons perform unethical medical experiments on transgender women in 1987?

Over the past few years, I’ve made a regular habit of seeking out and compiling nearly any published research that’s relevant to trans people and our well-being in society. Often I focus specifically on the medical side of the transgender … Continue reading

Posted in Endocrinology, Ethics, Health care, History, Politics and law, Transgender medicine, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Use of puberty blockers in transgender girls, effects on genital tissue development, and vaginoplasty options

Background and description of the issue GnRH analogue medications such as Lupron, Decapeptyl, and Supprelin LA have been in use since the early 1990s to halt natal pubertal development at Tanner stage 2 or 3 in transgender adolescents with persistent … Continue reading

Posted in Endocrinology, Outcomes of transition, Surgery, Trans youth, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment