Category Archives: Outcomes of transition

Transgender youth fact check: Blaire White is wrong – Part 2: Outcomes

(Explaining why something is wrong can take a very long time! Please be sure to read Part 1 before continuing.) So, someone by the name of Blaire White made a video about gender transition treatment for transgender children and adolescents. And I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Outcomes of transition, Regret and detransition, Replies, Trans youth, Transgender medicine, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Transgender youth fact check: Blaire White is wrong – Part 1: Fundamentals

So, someone by the name of Blaire White made a video about gender transition treatment for transgender children and adolescents. And I’m going to fact check it!   How puberty blockers work “And of course, it begs the question of transgender … Continue reading

Posted in Biology of transition, Ethics, Health care, Outcomes of transition, Replies, Trans youth, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , , , , , | 12 Comments

3 years of HRT, and 8 things I’ve learned (Gender Analysis 11)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. For the past three years, I’ve been on hormone replacement therapy as a part of transitioning. Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, is usually comprised of testosterone blockers and estrogen for … Continue reading

Posted in Awareness building, Biology of transition, Gender dysphoria, Outcomes of transition, Personal, Sexuality, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , | 11 Comments

Paul McHugh is wrong: transitioning is effective (Gender Analysis 10)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. Every so often, a particular bit of folklore pops up in the media: the claim that transitioning doesn’t actually help to improve transgender people’s health and well-being. News outlets like … Continue reading

Posted in Health care, History, Hoaxes, Media, Outcomes of transition, Psychology and psychiatry, Transgender medicine, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments

Walt Heyer and “sex change regret” (Gender Analysis 09)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. In the popular imagination, there are few subjects as fascinating as transitioning. It’s an intensely personal decision to do something most people never even contemplate, undergoing such a seemingly radical … Continue reading

Posted in Health care, Hoaxes, Media, Outcomes of transition, Regret and detransition, Transgender medicine, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , | 6 Comments