Tag Archives: media

Paul McHugh and the Johns Hopkins gender clinic: The perils of cherry-picking (More Trans, module 2-1)

A decades-old transphobic myth about Johns Hopkins, perpetrated by an unscientific fraud. Continue reading

Posted in History, Hoaxes, Media, More Trans, Outcomes of transition, Philosophy and language, Transgender medicine, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Transgender youth fact check: Blaire White is wrong – Part 2: Outcomes

(Explaining why something is wrong can take a very long time! Please be sure to read Part 1 before continuing.) So, someone by the name of Blaire White made a video about gender transition treatment for transgender children and adolescents. And I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Outcomes of transition, Regret and detransition, Replies, Trans youth, Transgender medicine, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

0.3% is not 0.03%: representations of transgender frequencies in online publications (Gender Analysis 21)

In 2011, the Williams Institute at UCLA published an estimate of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender population of the United States. Reviewing various surveys and studies, the report estimated that about 0.3% of adults in the U.S. are trans. Since … Continue reading

Posted in Health care, Hoaxes, Media, Sociological research, Statistics and demographics, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

Alice Dreger, autogynephilia, and the misrepresentation of trans sexualities (Book review: Galileo’s Middle Finger)

Book review: Galileo’s Middle Finger, by Alice Dreger Table of contents Introduction 1. Background: Blanchard’s sexual typology of trans women 2. Dreger neglects relevant issues faced by trans women 3. Social and cultural factors do not account for the clinical … Continue reading

Posted in Book reviews, Gender dysphoria, History, Psychology and psychiatry, Sexuality, Sociological research, Transgender medicine, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments

Cis world, trans world: interactional gaps (Gender Analysis 13)

(Support Gender Analysis on Patreon!) Hi, welcome to Gender Analysis. Social interactions between trans people and cis people are often fraught with misunderstandings, miscommunications, and confusion on both sides. Even assuming good intentions all around, it’s so easy for us … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Personal, Statistics and demographics, Transphobia and prejudice | Tagged , , | 1 Comment