5 things to know about transgender depersonalization

“…I was a dispassionate observer of my own life. The person who went through the motions wasn’t the observer-me. Whenever the acting-me felt any emotions, the observer-me recognized the emotions but didn’t feel them herself.”


Chronic depersonalization is a distressing dissociative condition characterized by feelings of “unreality” or “no self”, and it occurs at an elevated rate among trans people. Also known as depersonalization disorder or depersonalization-derealization syndrome, sufferers of this condition perceive themselves as emotionally distanced and separated from their experience of self and their perception of the world [1]. While their grasp of reality is intact, they perceive themselves as not truly feeling their own emotions, and have a sense that the world is flat, lifeless, or lacking in meaning or depth. Depersonalization disorder is chronic and unremitting; most individuals experience its onset in adolescence, while others report it being present since their childhood [2]. Studies have found that trans people are anywhere from 3 to 18 times more likely to experience this chronic syndrome compared to the general population [3], and depersonalization has been a theme of numerous personal accounts and memoirs of trans people for decades [4, 5]. Continue reading

Posted in Depersonalization, Gender dysphoria, Health care, Psychology and psychiatry, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Bicalutamide, a new anti-androgen for trans women and girls

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. Do not take any medication without appropriate medical supervision.

Zinnia JonesPreviously I’ve looked at low-cost alternatives to GnRH analogue puberty blockers for trans adolescents, including medroxyprogesterone acetate, spironolactone, cyproterone acetate, and norethindrone. One new option for trans girls has recently been studied: bicalutamide (Casodex), an oral nonsteroidal anti-androgen used to block testosterone in cases of prostate cancer.

Bicalutamide works by directly blocking the action of androgens at the androgen receptor. It is not an antimineralocorticoid like spironolactone, a glucocorticoid and synthetic progestin like cyproterone acetate, or a DHT blocker like finasteride or dutasteride. For this reason, bicalutamide may be an option for trans women who can’t tolerate the side effects of other anti-androgens, and past publications on hormonal treatment have listed bicalutamide as having a potential role in HRT. Continue reading

Posted in Breast, Endocrinology, Trans youth, Transgender medicine | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

5 unanswered questions about the “rapid onset gender dysphoria” hoax diagnosis

Zinnia Jones“Rapid onset gender dysphoria” is a proposed diagnosis applied to teen trans boys, positing that their dysphoria appears suddenly in adolescence as the result of receiving it via “social contagion”, such as by having trans friends or reading about trans people online. It is claimed to have emerged only recently and to constitute a distinct condition from traditional gender dysphoria. This alleged condition was originally created by several anti-trans advocacy sites, and given a scientific gloss with an unpublished study of the site visitors’ responses to an anonymous survey about their children’s dysphoria and gender identity development.

Since that study, no further clinical information has been published about this supposed population of youth experiencing a new form of gender dysphoria. As a result, much remains unknown about this phenomenon, including whether it actually is a distinct phenomenon. There are numerous open questions about “rapid onset gender dysphoria” that have yet to be satisfactorily answered. Knowing more about trans youth is key to understanding how best to treat them, and at present, the notion of rapid onset gender dysphoria offers little in the way of clarity. Continue reading

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Book review: “Hiding My Candy” by The Lady Chablis

by Heather McNamara

“Hiding My Candy” by The Lady Chablis

Trans narrative: 5/5

Overall: 5/5

Heather McNamaraHiding My Candy by The Lady Chablis is different from the previous books I’ve reviewed. To start with, she doesn’t claim to have done the actual writing. That bit was done by Theodore Bouloukos who was tasked with bringing Chablis’ voice to the page. Second, unlike Laura Jane Grace or Jazz Jennings, she didn’t have a band or a television show to sell her book for her. She was a minor character in the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt and spoke a line or two as herself in the movie by the same title. As a drag queen, she had a monthly show at Club One in Savannah. She did all right, but she was mostly a local celebrity. Her interviews and book had to be sold on the power of her personality alone, and her personality is explosive. Continue reading

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Most anti-transgender scientific claims are unsound

Zinnia JonesCritics of transition treatments, opponents of transgender identity, and other anti-trans advocates have often claimed that trans people and our supporters have failed to address scientific findings that call into question the gender-affirmative approach. Ryan T. Anderson, a homophobic researcher at the conservative Heritage Foundation and author of the embarrassingly named “When Harry Became Sally”, provides a representative example:

…even as their own position shifts, the activists are absolutely closed off to contrary evidence. They call for the censure of honest researchers. They refuse to give any consideration to competing interests of privacy or safety. They reject alternative therapies that may be favored by parents or doctors.

All of this suggests a posture of defensiveness—that activists know their claims can’t stand up to scrutiny. The movement has to keep patching and shoring up its own beliefs, policing the faithful, coercing the heretics, and punishing apostates, because as soon as its furious efforts flag for a moment or someone successfully stands up to it, the whole charade is exposed. That’s what happens when your dogmas are so contrary to obvious, basic, everyday truths.

Contrary to this assertion that we’ve collectively refused to engage with anti-trans scientific claims, trans advocates have spent many years answering these arguments in detail – it is anti-trans critics who, ironically, have neglected to recognize the relevant research we’ve presented at length. Trans people have by no means shied away from listening to trans-critical scientific arguments, such as claims that transition is unnecessary, ineffective, or harmful; rather, we have repeatedly drawn attention to the most notorious purveyors of this scientific misinformation. Continue reading

Posted in Autism, Hoaxes, Outcomes of transition, Regret and detransition, Trans youth | Tagged , , | 1 Comment